Across the Universe by Beth Revis

  If you had the chance to leave earth to go live on another planet, would you? Here's the catch though, you would have to be frozen in order to get there because the arrival time is two hundred fifty years into the future. That's the choice seventeen year old Amy had to  make. She ended up leaving everything she's ever known for the unknown with her parents. Years later (like two hundred) she gets a rude awakening from her frozen slumber fifty years earlier then when she was supposed to be awaken because someone tried to kill her and others.
  Sixteen year old Elder is learning how to be  a leader on the ship "God's Speed" the generation he will lead will be the one of the first who lands on the new planet. Eldest, the currant leader gave him an assignment that called for the library where the librian with the mysterious scar showed him blue prints of the ship. So when he finds parts of the ship he's never heard of before he went exploring. That's when he found Amy.
  They soon team up to find the killer and uncover the secrets of a two hundred something year old rocket ship that's in the middle of space.
   This book was wayyyyy cool. Its full of mystery and suspence. It tells a fantastic story full of suprises. The main characrters are  brave and funny. I'll admit some parts are sad but its an epic read. So tell me what you think.


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