Fire Storm by David Klass

    There's always that one guy that's great at everything. He's good looking, smart, exceeds in absolutely everything he does and no matter how much you try not to, you can't help but like him. That's Jack Daniels. Well at least it was until he beat his high school rush record.

    'Fire Storm' gave me an important life lesson. If all my life my parents told me not to call attention to myself, there's usually a good reason for it. Now, because he did the exact opposite of what he was told, mysterious creatures are hunting dear old Jack from the future whose soul purpose is to destroy him.

    Unless you live under a rock, you know the world is dying and our future generations are screwed unless we do something about it now. Its up to Jack to reverse the abuse the earth has taken before the Turning Point. Which was the only reason he was sent back from the future. Pretty heavy right? I mean considering he knows nothing about who he really is or what he's destined for.

    If you want my opinion, this was a cool book. 'Fire Storm' is fast paced with nonstop action. David Klass gets people aware of the senseless harm we have done to our beautiful planet. And its up to us now as a whole to fix it before it’s too late. I recommend this book to you guys because the message this book has is uber important and should be taken seriously. And did I mention how ridiculously awesome this book is? Seriously. Read 'Fire Storm' by David Klass and tell me what you think.


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